About Me

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My Background

I am Hasan, and I am studying computer science and economics at the University of Michigan. Even though I considered consulting as a career for a while due to my economics major, I've realized in my time at Michigan that I am a lot more interested in computer science. This was mostly thanks to Michigan's Data Structures & Algorithms course (EECS 281), and my time working on tech projects as part of my on-campus consulting club, both of which were very enjoyable and taught me a lot.


I've gained a wide range of skills thanks to my extracurricular involvements and self-studying. I took part in two tech projects in my on-campus consulting organization, MECC , for one of which I was the project manager. Through these projects I learned hard skills such as Dart and Flutter , as well as soft skills such as leading a team, setting clear expectations, and creating a supportive team environment. In my own time, I learned Python (Django), HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development, and SQL, SQLite, and Postgres for the databases in my apps.

You can find detailed information about my personal projects or other projects I were a part of on the skills and projects page .

Personal Interests